We are very proud of our school and our pupils. We are part of a strong school community. One of the ways in which we demonstrate this to others is by wearing our school uniform.
The school uniform is both smart and practical. Many of the items are readily available from high street stores and supermarkets. Items which carry the school logo can be purchased through the school office and though these are not compulsory, many children choose to wear them with pride. We aim to keep costs to a minimum so uniform is sold at almost cost price to parents.
The PTA run regular sales of pre-loved items and outside of scheduled sales, they can be contacted via the Classlist app or by email. Further details are available here
Download our Order Form for School Uniform.
Uniform can also be ordered and purchased online for collection from the office through your Arbor account, please speak to the school office if you need help accessing your account.
We ask you to support the school by sending your child in the following school uniform.
- grey school trousers, shorts, skirt or culottes
- white polo shirt (with school logo optional)
- red sweatshirt or sweatcardi (with the school logo optional)
- black, grey or white socks or red/grey tights
- black school shoes (plain black trainers with black laces are acceptable as school shoes)
In the summer (as weather allows) red check dresses or ‘playsuits’ may be worn.
- grey school trousers, shorts, skirt, culottes or pinafore
- white shirt/blouse with a collar
- school tie*
- red v-necked jumper, sweatshirt or cardigan (*with the school logo optional)
- black/grey/white socks or red/grey tights
- black school shoes (plain black trainers with black laces are acceptable as school shoes)
- black or white one-piece hijab (no pins)
In the summer (Easter to end of September) red check dress may be worn.
* Items marked with an asterisk are available to purchase from the school office. Unbranded items are also acceptable.
Please ensure all items of clothing are marked clearly with the child's name.
PE Kit
The school PE kit has been designed to be practical and safe for children to participate in a range of physical activities. All children are required to change for PE lessons.
- a red T-shirt (with the school logo optional)
- black unbranded loose PE shorts (for cultural reasons, some children may choose to wear black leggings or joggers instead of shorts)
- a pair of trainers (in addition to their school shoes)
- plain black joggers/tracksuit for outdoor games
- tights must be changed for leggings or joggers with socks.
PE kit should be kept in a drawstring PE bag.
Swimming (KS2)
- swimming trunks/shorts (boys)
- one-piece swimming costume (girls)
- towel
- swimming hat for long hair (hair that covers eyes when wet)
- goggles are optional
Children selected to play or train for the school teams such as football or tag rugby will be loaned school kit, but will be expected to wear appropriate boots and shin pads.
All PE equipment must be named and kept in a named drawstring PE bag.
Please complete the order form and send it to the office with your money (online payment, cash or cheque). The uniform will be given to your child or it can be collected from the office the following day.
Other items
For the safety of all our children, jewellery should not be worn to school. Rings, necklaces and long earrings can be very dangerous when children are playing or doing PE. If your child has pierced ears, then he or she should wear only small studs. A basic wristwatch may be worn.
Make-up and nail varnish must not be worn except for special occasions such as dressing-up days. Extreme haircuts, such as shaved patterns are not allowed and long hair (boys and girls) must be tied back.
Mobile phones are not allowed in school. If you feel your child needs a mobile phone at school please speak to the office. Mobile phones must be switched off and handed in on arrival at school at the office and can be collected at the end of the day.
Pupils may wear a basic wristwatch, but smart watches are not permitted in school. The school cannot be responsible for any loss or damage to mobile phones and watches in school.